Immediate: Contact the ET&S Help Desk for IT Assistance

What is Enterprise Technology & Services?  

The Enterprise Technology & Services department offers technology support through the Help Desk and Desktop Management and Business Application Support team.  The team works with the USNH schools and colleges to assist faculty and staff to provide IT support for accounts, VPN, WiFi, hardware, software and more. 

How do I get help?

Find out more about the IT support team on their website. Need IT Help? | Enterprise Technology & Services ( Links to an external site. 

If you would like support, contact the Help Desk at (603) 862-2525 or use the link provided on this site to enter a support request.

Purchasing or Configuring Computers 

Adding new computers and other devices which connect to the UNH network is a multi-step process and is best supported by the Desktop Management & Business Application team Links to an external site.. They can also help manage security settings and printer configurations specific to your department.

Course Specific Software 

Do you have a software application that you would like each of your students to be able to use? Requirements and instructions can be found at the Course Software Installations.  This list of supported UNH Academic Software Applications. may be useful as you prepare to teach your first course.


Printing procedures

Instructions for printing with your UNH assigned computer via PaperCut for Windows devices Links to an external site.

Instructions for printing with your UNH assigned computer via PaperCut for Apple devices Links to an external site.

Make sure you connect with the USNH ET&S as soon as possible!